Since 1999 I've been restoring, repairing and modifying Fisher Price Pxl 2000 cameras.
I offer restored, fully modified Pxl 2000 cameras. Once I restore a camera the cassette mechanism
still records and plays back like new.
If you're serious about your films, you'll most likely record onto an external source for pro playback.
I use a canon zr-200 and Aiptek hd Actioncam 1080p, both with great results.
You still get the same, fabulous pxl image we all love, only now its more convenient to use.
I do all the repair and mod work myself and have done so for almost 17 years.
I also make films with pxl's and this camera is now available after intense years of research and development.
My modified cameras are employed with major film companies in the us and abroad.
Fisher Price Pxl 2000 Video Camera
Fisher Price Pxl 2000 Video Camera
I offer restoration, repair and modification work on your camera as well.
Please fill out the form to the right for more info.
There are different levels of mods and service.
For complete restoration, which includes new belts, adjustment, tape path
cleaning the charge is (contact for pricing).
Restoration and RCA baseband mod is
(contact for current pricing).
Restoration with deluxe mods is (contact for
The deluxe mod package includes RCA output jacks, Bleed switch, light adjustment knob and freeze body contacts.
If you're using an external digital recorder
you'll need an internal signal amplifier, the
charge for this is $45 in addition.